HangzhouLease Rentals

Your Trusted Source for Housing Rentals in Hangzhou

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Are you an expatriate in Hangzhou looking for a place to call home? Look no further! At HangzhouLEASE RENTALS, we specialize in helping foreigners find the perfect rental properties that meet their unique needs.

Why Choose Us?

🏠 Property Name: Hua Xia Center 💰 Monthly Rent: ¥8500 includes management fee 📏 Size: 139 sqm 📍 Address: Yu Hang Tang Road, Yuhang District 🔝 Floor: high floor 🛏 Layout: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 🎨 Decoration: Modern and luxury 🛋 Furniture and Appliances: Central air conditioning, floor heating, bathtub and air purifier system 🚇 Transportation: Close to Liang Mu Road Subway Station 🏬 Amenities: In EFC area with many established facilities 🌳 Other: Nice apartment in great location 👩‍💼 Agent: Cici 🏠 小区名称: 华夏之心 💰 月租金:8500元包物业 📏 面积:139方 🛏 户型:4房2卫 🎨 装修风格:现代简约风 🛋 家具家电配置: 家具家电齐全、中央空调、浴缸和新风系统 📍 位置: 余杭区 🔝 楼层: 高楼层 🚇 交通: 近地铁2号线建设一路 🏬 周边配套: 面包房、餐馆、商场、超市 🏢 其它描述: 保养好 👩‍💼 经纪人: Cici
🏢 Property Name: Aman Metropolis 💰 Monthly Rent: RMB 13500 per month 📐 Area: 146 sqms 📍 Address: Xiaoshan District 🛋 Layout Description: 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 🏠 House Decoration Description: well maintained 🪟 Furniture and Appliances: Fully furnished 🚇 Transportation Description: Not far away from Ying Feng Rd metro station 🏬 Surrounding Facilities Description: near Inn City shopping mall 🌆 View and Landscape Description: City view 🏋‍♀ Internal Supporting Facilities: floor heating 👩‍💼 Agent: Agnes 房产名称:澄之华庭 💰 租金:13500元/月 📐-面积:146平方米 📍-地址:萧山区民和路与皓月路交叉口 🏠-布局:4 间卧室,3 间浴室 🎨-装修风格:现代简约风 🛋-家具和家电:中央空调和地暖 🏬-周边设施:离盈丰路地铁站近 👩-中介:Tina
🏠 Property Name: Qian Jiang Fu 💰 Monthly Rent: ¥ 6900 🛏 Layout: 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom 📏 Size:89sqms 🎨 Decoration: modern and Simple style 🛋 Furniture and Appliances: fully furnished, central AC 📍 Location: Crossroad of Dong Ning Rd and Gen Shan Xi Rd, Shangcheng District 🔝 Floor: Middle floor 🚇 Transportation: very Close to Yuan Bao Tang Subway Station of line 6 🏬 Surrounding Facilities: near Eastern Railway Station 🏢 Other Description: cozy apartment 🌳 View and Landscape: Open City landscape Agent: Agnes 🏠 房产名称:钱江府 📍 地址:上城区 🏢 楼层:中间楼层 🛋 布局描述:3 卧室,1 浴室 🎨 装修描述:现代简约风格 🛋 家具和电器描述:家具齐全 🚇 交通描述:近元宝塘地铁站 🌇 视野和景观:城市景观 👩 中介:Agnes
-Property Name:Yun He Jun -Location:Gong Shu District -Layout : 1 Bedrooms , 1 bathrooms ,1 storage room -Rent : 4000 per month -House Decoration Description: Modern and simple style .Loft -Furniture and Appliances Description:Air Conditioner -Surrounding Facilities Description: close to the subway station of DaYunHe (line 5), near Joy City Mall -View: compound view -Agent: Sherry 房产名称:运河郡 📍-地址:拱墅区 🏢-楼层:高楼层 💰-租金:4000每月 🏠-布局:1间卧室,1间浴室,1个储物间 🎨-装修风格:精装修、中央空调。 🛋-家具和家电:齐全 🏬-周边设施:大悦城 🚆-交通:地铁5号线大运河 👩-中介:Sherry
🏠 Property Name: Hui Chao Yue Fu 💰 Monthly Rent: ¥ 11000 🛏 Layout: 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms 📏 Size:136sqms 🎨 Decoration: modern and Simple style 🛋 Furniture and Appliances: fully furnished, central AC 📍 Location: Crossroads of Huan Zhan Dong Rd and Huan Zhan Nan Rd, Shangcheng District 🔝 Floor: Middle floor 🚇 Transportation: very Close to Yuan Bao Tang Subway Station of line 6 🏬 Surrounding Facilities: near Eastern Railway Station 🏢 Other Description: super nice apartment with open balcony 🌳 View and Landscape: Open City landscape Agent: Agnes 🏠 房产名称:金隅会潮悦府 📍 地址:上城区 🏢 楼层:中间楼层 🛋 布局描述:4 卧室,2 浴室 🎨 装修描述:现代简约风格 🛋 家具和电器描述:家具齐全 🚇 交通描述:近元宝塘地铁站 🌇 视野和景观:城市景观 👩 中介:Agnes
🏠 Property Name: Jin Lin Yun Hui 💰 Monthly Rent: ¥ 6200 🛏 Layout: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 🎨 Decor: Modern and Simple 🛋 Furniture and Appliances: fully furnished, central Ac, floor heating 📍 Location: Xiao Shan District 🔝 Floor: High Floor 🚇 Transportation: close to Xin Xing Lu metro station of Line 7 🏬 Surrounding Facilities: small restaurants 🏢 Other Description: Super new apartment with open balcony 👩‍💼 Agent: Cici 🏠 小区名称: 锦粼云荟 💰 月租金:56200元 🛏 户型:3房2卫 🎨 装修风格:现代简约风 🛋 家具家电配置: 家具家电齐全、中央空调、地暖 📍 位置: 萧山区 🔝 楼层: 高楼层 🚇 交通: 近地铁7号线新兴路 🏬 周边配套: 小餐馆 🏢 其它描述: 超级新的公寓 👩‍💼 经纪人: Cici
🏠 Property Name: Hua Rui Qing Lu 💰 Monthly Rent: ¥ 5300 🛏 Layout: 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom 🎨 Decor: Modern and Simple 🛋 Furniture and Appliances: fully furnished, central Ac 📍 Location: Xiao Shan District 🔝 Floor: Low Floor 🚇 Transportation: close to Jian She Yi Lu metro station of Line 2 🏬 Surrounding Facilities: bakery, small restaurants 🏢 Other Description: well- maintained apartment 👩‍💼 Agent: Cici 🏠 小区名称: 华瑞晴庐 💰 月租金:5300元 🛏 户型:3房1卫 🎨 装修风格:现代简约风 🛋 家具家电配置: 家具家电齐全、中央空调 📍 位置: 萧山区 🔝 楼层: 高楼层 🚇 交通: 近地铁2号线建设一路 🏬 周边配套: 面包房、餐馆 🏢 其它描述: 保养好 👩‍💼 经纪人: Cici
-Property Name:Hang Yue Run Fu -Location:Gong Shu District -Layout : 4 Bedrooms , 2 bathrooms -Rent : 12000 per month -House Decoration Description: Modern and simple style -Furniture and Appliances Description:Air Conditioner , floor heating ,fresh air system -Surrounding Facilities Description: close to the subway station of He Mu (line 5), near Joy City Mall -View: compound view -Agent: Sherry 房产名称:杭樾润府 📍-地址:拱墅区 🏢-楼层:高楼层 💰-租金:12000每月 🏠-布局:4间卧室,2间浴室 🎨-装修风格:精装修、中央空调、地暖、新风系统 🛋-家具和家电:齐全 🏬-周边设施:大悦城 🚆-交通:地铁5号线和睦 👩-中介:Sherry
🏠 Property Name: Hua Rui Qing Lu 💰 Monthly Rent: ¥ 6000 🛏 Layout: 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom 🎨 Decor: Modern and Simple 🛋 Furniture and Appliances: fully furnished, central Ac 📍 Location: Xiao Shan District 🔝 Floor: High Floor 🚇 Transportation: close to Jian She Yi Lu metro station of Line 2 🏬 Surrounding Facilities: bakery, small restaurants 🏢 Other Description: well- maintained apartment 👩‍💼 Agent: Cici 🏠 小区名称: 华瑞晴庐 💰 月租金:6000元 🛏 户型:3房1卫 🎨 装修风格:现代简约风 🛋 家具家电配置: 中央空调、新风系统、地暖 📍 位置: 萧山区 🔝 楼层: 高楼层 🚇 交通: 近地铁2号线建设一路 🏬 周边配套: 面包房、餐馆 🏢 其它描述: 保养好 👩‍💼 经纪人: Cici
🏠 Property Name: Wang Tao Yue Ming 💰 Monthly Rent: ¥ 6100 🛏 Layout: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 🎨 Decoration: Modern and Simple 🛋 Furniture and Appliances: fully furnished, central Ac, air purifier, floor heating 📍 Location: Xiao Shan District 🔝 Floor: Low Floor 🚇 Transportation: close to Jian She Yi Lu metro station of Line 2 🏬 Surrounding Facilities: Gym, small restaurants 🏢 Other Description: brand new apartment with high cost performance 👩‍💼 Agent: Cici 🏠 小区名称: 望涛月明 💰 月租金:6100元 🛏 户型:3房2卫 🎨 装修风格:现代简约风 🛋 家具家电配置: 中央空调、新风系统、地暖 📍 位置: 萧山区 🔝 楼层: 低楼层 🚇 交通: 近地铁2号线建设一路 🏬 周边配套: 健身房、餐馆 🏢 其它描述: 全新交付大三房、高性价比 👩‍💼 经纪人: Cici
-Property Name:Sunrising City -Location:Xiaoshan District -Layout : 4 Bedrooms , 2 bathrooms -Rent : 13000 per month -House Decoration Description: Modern and simple style -Furniture and Appliances Description:Air Conditioner , floor heating throughout the house, fresh air system -Surrounding Facilities Description: close to the subway station of Feng Bei (line 6), near Impression City Mal -View: swimming pool view -Agent: Sherry 房产名称:日耀之城 📍-地址:萧山区 🏢-楼层:高楼层 💰-租金:13000每月 🏠-布局:4间卧室,2间浴室 🎨-装修风格:精装修、中央空调、地暖、新风系统 🛋-家具和家电:齐全 🏬-周边设施:奥体印象城 🚆-交通:地铁6、号线丰北 👩-中介:Sherry
-Property Name:Grace Mansion -Location:Xiaoshan District -Layout : 4 Bedrooms , 3 bathrooms -Rent : 15000 per month -House Decoration Description: Modern and simple style -Furniture and Appliances Description:Air Conditioner , floor heating throughout the house, fresh air system -Surrounding Facilities Description: 850 meters away from Olympic Sports Center subway station (line 6$7), 1.4 kilometers away from Impression City Mal -View: swimming pool view -Agent: Sherry 房产名称:嘉品美寓 📍-地址:萧山区 🏢-楼层:中高楼层 💰-租金:15000每月 🏠-布局:4间卧室,3间浴室 🎨-装修风格:精装修、中央空调、地暖、新风系统 🛋-家具和家电:齐全 🏬-周边设施:距离奥体印象城1.4公里 🚆-交通:地铁6、7号线奥体中心 👩-中介:Sherry
-Property Name:Ai Yi Wan -Location:YuHang District -Layout : 3 Bedrooms , 1 bathroom -Rent : 4700 per month -House Decoration Description: nice apartment ,low Floor -Furniture and Appliances Description:Air Conditioner . -Surrounding Facilities Description: close to subway station of Xiang Yuan Road (line 10) -View: Compound view -Agent: Sherry 房产名称:融创瑷颐湾 📍-地址:余杭区 🏢-楼层:低楼层 💰-租金:4700每月 🏠-布局:3间卧室,1间浴室 🎨-装修风格:精装修、中央空调 🛋-家具和家电:齐全 🏬-周边设施:靠近杭行荟 🚆-交通:地铁10号线祥园路 👩-中介:Sherry
🏠 Property Name: Starry City 🛏 Layout: 1 bedroom, 2 bathrooms 🎨 Decoration: modern and Simple style 🛋 Furniture and Appliances: fully furnished, central AC 📍 Location: Jiang Ling Road, Binjiang District 🔝 Floor: high floor 🚇 Transportation: very Close to XingMin Subway Station 🏬 Surrounding Facilities: lots of restaurants, cafes, bakeries, and supermarkets 🏢 Other Description: beautiful loft apartment with characters,not far from Paradise Walk shopping mall and Star Avenue 🌳 View and Landscape: City landscape Agent: Cici 房产名称:星澜之城 📐-户型:1室2卫 📍-地址:滨江区 🏢-楼层:高楼层 🏠-布局:1间卧室,2间浴室 🎨-装修风格:全新装修,别具风格 🛋-家具和家电:中央空调 🏬-周边设施:步行可达天街和星光大道 👩-经纪人:Cici
🏠 Property Name: Starry City 🛏 Layout: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom 🎨 Decoration: modern and Simple style 🛋 Furniture and Appliances: fully furnished, central AC 📍 Location: Jiang Ling Road, Binjiang District 🔝 Floor: high floor 🚇 Transportation: very Close to XingMin Subway Station 🏬 Surrounding Facilities: lots of restaurants, cafes, bakeries, and supermarkets 🏢 Other Description: very nice loft apartment,not far from Paradise Walk shopping mall and Star Avenue 🌳 View and Landscape: City landscape Agent: Cici 房产名称:星澜之城 📐-面积:40平方米 📍-地址:滨江区 🏢-楼层:高楼层 🏠-布局:1间卧室,1间浴室 🎨-装修风格:现代简约风 🛋-家具和家电:中央空调 🏬-周边设施:步行可达天街和星光大道 👩-经纪人:Cici
-Property Name:Hua Xia Center -Location:YuHang District -Layout : 4 Bedrooms , 2 bathrooms -Rent : 9000 per month -House Decoration Description: nice apartment ,High Floor -Furniture and Appliances Description:Air Conditioner ,Floor Heating -Surrounding Facilities Description: close to subway station of Liang Mu Road (line 5) -View: Compound view -Agent: Sherry 房产名称:华夏之心 📍-地址:余杭区 🏢-楼层:高楼层 💰-租金:9000每月 🏠-布局:4间卧室,2间浴室 🎨-装修风格:精装修、中央空调、地暖 🛋-家具和家电:齐全 🏬-周边设施:靠近EFC 🚆-交通:地铁5号线良睦路 👩-中介:Sherry
🏠 Property Name: Dong Bao Cui Xuan 📐 Area: 107 sqm 📍 Location: No.85 of Hai Chao Road, Shangcheng District 🏢 Floor: Low floor 🛏 Layout: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 🏡 Interior Style: Modern 🛋 Furniture and Appliances: Central air conditioning 🚇 Transportation: 600 meters from Wu Jiang Rd Metro Station 📅 Other Information: The building was completed in 2023 🌆 View: compound view 👩‍💼 Agent: Agnes 🏠 房产名称:东宝翠轩 📍 地址:上城区 🏢 楼层:低楼层 🛋 布局描述:3 卧室,2 浴室 🎨 装修描述:现代简约风格 🛋 家具和电器描述:家具齐全 🚇 交通描述:离1号线婺江路地铁站600米 🌇 视野和景观:城市景观 👩 中介:Agnes
🏢 Property Name: Dong Fang Jin Zuo 🛋 Layout: 2 beds,1 bathroom 📍 Address: Shang Cheng District 🌇 Floor: Mid floor 🛋 Furniture and Appliances Description: fully furnished, central AC 🚇 Traffic Description: Close to Long Xiang Qiao metro station on Line 1 🌳 Scenery: city landscape 💨 Other Description: cozy small apartment in downtown area 🏢 Amenities: restaurants, shops and malls, close to West Lake 👩‍💼 Agent: Cici 🏠 房产名称:东方金座 🛏 户型:2张床,1个卫生间 🛋 家具和电器:家具齐全,中央空调 📍 位置: 上城区 🔝 楼层:中楼层 🚇 交通:地铁1号线龙翔桥 🏬 周边设施:便利店、餐厅、咖啡馆、商场、西湖 🌳 视野和景观:城市景观 👩‍💼 经纪人:Cici

Our Services

Why HangzhouLease Rentals Should Be Your First Choice

Expatriates prefer HangzhouLease Rentals as their go-to service for housing and relocation in Hangzhou.

Initial Consultation & Customized Housing Plans

Pre-arrival Briefing

We set up a 40-minute conference call with expatriates to delve into your specific needs and cover the following topics:

Arrival in Hangzhou

Settlement Services

Home Finding & Accommodation Support

Onboarding: Crucial Actions for Newcomers

Initiating Your Cell Phone Service

Setting all the survival Apps such as wechat and alipay etc

Establishing a Bank Account at BOC

Temporary Residence Registration

Medical Examination

After-Onboarding Assistance

Ongoing Home Maintenance

Lease Continuation Procedures

Lease Concluding and Exit Process

Departure and Repatriation Assistance

What Our Clients Say- More


Since arriving in China, Cici was very helpful throughout the process. She accompanied me from the hotel to view accommodation. She helped me throughout including setting up the contract, as well as assisting with how to manage electricity and water top ups. Additionally she was a great help with registering my residency with the local police station. I would highly recommend her for any one seeking assistant, to both new and veterans. Thank you so much.

- Kyle Henry, United Kingdom United Kingdom, 2024-09-14

Customer Testimonials

Working with Sherry to find a new apartment was a truly great experience. Her knowledge of the local market was impressive, and she was able to answer all my questions, since this is my first time staying in China. Sherry was dedicated to finding me the perfect place, among many options to choose from. I would highly recommend Sherry's services to anyone looking for a new home. Thank you again for everything!

- Ten, Thailand Thailand, 2024-08-31

Customer Testimonials

Sherry was an absolute lifesaver in helping me find the perfect apartment in Hangzhou, China. As a foreigner, I was nervous about navigating the housing market, but Sherry made the entire process so easy and stress-free. She was incredibly kind, patient, and always went the extra mile to ensure I found a place I love. I'm so grateful for her help and would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a fantastic housing agent!

- Luandrie van den Berg, South Africa South Africa, 2024-08-22

Customer Testimonials

Professional service, immediate response to messages, bilingual speaker (English/Chinese), extensive knowledge of the property market and the legalities involved, I was able to secure the perfect apartment after only a week in Hangzhou! It was indeed a pleasure doing business with Tina! Highly recommended!!!

- Nicholas, Australia Australia, 2024-08-21

Customer Testimonials

Tina was a great agent for us, she helped us find our apartament in one day, with all our requirements. She speaks english. Very proactive, and managed all necessary discussions with the landlord. Answered fast to any question we had during the renting process. We were happy with her service. Thank you, Tina! Best regards, Mihaela&Pedro

- Mihaela, Romania Romania, 2024-08-11

Customer Testimonials

We happy and satisfied with Plus Housing and especially satisfied with Tina's services. We have rented a house in Hangzhou several times and always got a good house and a reasonable price. Beside that Tina is always quick to answer and always ready to provide the information we need. Thanks for your good job Tina

- Angy, Afghanistan Afghanistan, 2024-07-16

Customer Testimonials

Discover Hangzhou

Scenic view of Hangzhou

Hangzhou is the capital and most populous city of Zhejiang, China. It is located in the northwestern part of the province and is a major economic and e-commerce hub within China. As of the 2020 Chinese census, it had a total population of 11,936,010 inhabitants.

Historical Significance

The city has a rich history and has been one of China's most renowned and prosperous cities for much of the last millennium.

Modern Importance

Hangzhou is the second biggest city in the Yangtze Delta after Shanghai and is known for its scientific research, universities, and its famous West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Upcoming Events

The city will host the 2022 Asian Games.

Thought-Provoking Questions and Insights

Frequently Asked Questions for Your Ideal Apartment

Contact Us

Email: 53049583@qq.com


Website: www.Hangzhoulease.com
